Lyudmyla Zaporozhtseva, PhD
Inspiring people and businesses to see the world differently
About Me In A Nutshell
Fresh croissant. Coffee. Toast. Vanilla. Now imagine eating these without the sense of smell!

Too often I see businesses depriving themselves of fully-fragrant communication tools. I don't want yours to be one of them.

I work with global brands to ensure they use not just words and images in their comms but music as well. In fact, I specialise in audial semiotics. Yet my portfolio features projects from various industries. Tech. Finance. Cosmetics. Health.

I thrive on projects that call for a multilevel combination of research and creation. For example, I worked on composing narratives for the following brand-awareness campaigns:

  • New Season (2023) at a ski resort (cultural landscape encoding);

  • Eurovision 2021 finalist promotion in digital space: audio-semiotic research for building a comms strategy (visuals, social media narratives, body language guidelines);

  • Gastro-semiotics research for FMCG packaging redesign;

  • Launching audio-branding concept for a bank;

  • Localising global brands.
I am a doctor in semiotics (PhD) and a full-time professor at the HSE University. Besides teaching applied research, I am also the Head of Market Research Center at the HSE. As a guest professor I give lectures at other universities (Taliinn University, Olomouc University, Veliky Novgorod University).

I am also a member of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, publish research papers and take part in international academic gatherings such as conferences and symposiums.

My Research Projects
I work in applied research since 2014.

In 2016 I coordinated the 5th international conference of Applied Semiotics in Tallinn, Estonia.

In 2017 I founded the Semiotic Consultancy Studio. By that time I also designed and conducted an educational course of Applied Semiotics in Moscow for the creative industry specialists.

In 2018-2019 as a Head of Applied Semiotic Research department I ran research projects for "Enjoy Understanding" agency in Moscow.

Starting from 2020 and onwards, I serve as an opinion expert and conduct research in the fields of: consumer research, marketing semiotics research, culture research for brands, communication strategies (building breakthrough brands), and audial branding.

Academic Background
In 2019 I received Ph.D. in Semiotics and Culture Studies from the University of Tartu. My doctoral thesis was dedicated to mass culture studies and semiotic aspects of mass culture mythology. Also I posses Master degree in Law and M.A. degree in Culture Studies, and two B.A. degrees (in Culture Studies and Musicology, and another one in Law).

Ask Me About
  • Educating your team in designing and conducting research

  • Cultural brand strategy (how to build breakthrough brands, or any other system of symbols)

  • Designing brand communication guidelines (symbols, language, sounds)

  • Supervision of semiotic research or consumer research initiatives
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